The Vermont League of Cities and Towns and Efficiency Vermont have launched a new partnership to lower municipal energy costs and climate impacts. The partnership, part of VLCT’s recently launched Business Alliance Program, is focused on helping municipalities access the support they need to reduce their energy costs and save taxpayer dollars.
Vermont’s share of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 allocated over $200 million to its towns. Other state and federal funding opportunities are on the horizon. Towns can work directly with VLCT experts to understand how to leverage these dollars. One option is to invest in energy efficiency projects that can reduce energy expenses and support their climate goals.
Municipalities that are interested in saving energy can sign up for a free energy assessment from Efficiency Vermont at During this consultation, an Efficiency Vermont energy consultant will work with town staff to identify and prioritize energy-saving projects for their buildings.
This session, the Vermont Legislature is considering bills that would create additional energy-related opportunities for municipalities. Should these proposals pass into law, the Vermont Department of Buildings and General Services would be able to offer grants of up to $250,000 per municipality to undertake energy efficiency projects like fuel switching and weatherization using state-allocated ARPA funding. VLCT, the Department of Buildings and General Services, the state’s regional planning commissions, and Efficiency Vermont would work together to develop and implement the grant program.
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