CHESTER, Vt. – Chester Townscape, the charitable volunteer organization that provides glorious flowers in bridge boxes and planters at various garden spots in public locations around Chester during the growing season, is offering an easy way for individuals to beautify their own properties. Hanging baskets 10-inches wide, designed by Allen Brothers Nursery, feature mixed flowers that will do well in a variety of conditions and complement any color scheme. The baskets are available by pre-order, and the form may be downloaded from
The order form should be mailed to Chester Townscape at P.O. Box 561, Chester, VT 05143. It must include payment by check or credit card and be received by Thursday, April 21.
Pick up will take place on Saturday, May 28 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Information Booth on Main Street across from the Chester Village Green. All money raised goes to help fund Townscape’s beautification projects in public locations around town.
For questions or alternative pick up arrangements, please contact Lynn Russell at [email protected] or at 802-875-2707.
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