Our dining room is open! we serve a hot lunch Monday through Friday starting at 11:30. Lunch includes entrée, starch, vegetable, roll and butter, dessert and beverage for a suggested donation of $3.50 for seniors over 60, and a fixed price of $5.00 for those under 60. Check out our menu on Facebook. The T & R Duo will be playing a free live music event here on May 16th at 10:30.
Our beginner level Tai Chi class for fall prevention on Tuesdays will now start 11:00. Learn fundamental exercises and skills while improving balance. The class is for those new to Tai Chi or to review at a beginning or slow pace. This class is sponsored by Senior Solutions. The advanced Tai Chi course is offered on Wednesdays at 10:30. We also offer multiple Bone Builders programs (6 classes a week). Our new Line Dancing class is on Fridays at 11:15, great fun and terrific exercise!
Chair caning meets Mondays at 1:00. If you have a chair that needs repair or would like to learn the art of chair caning, please stop by! The Knit and Stitch group meets Mondays and Wednesdays at 9:00. They can help you finish a project, repair an item and even accommodate special orders such as baby blankets and gifts. Nickle Bingo is held every Tuesday starting at 12:30 with 20 games played.
The Bridge Club meets Wednesdays at 12:15, we are always looking for more players so please stop in! Cribbage, board games and card games are open to all on Thursdays in addition to Cornhole starting at 12:15.
The Bellows Falls Area Senior Center is open to local seniors aged 50 and over. We do not charge membership fees so feel free to drop in and check us out.
The Senior Center is located at 18 Tuttle Street in Bellows Falls. We offer accessibility in the forms of a lift and ramps, and we have plenty of free parking!
Contact us for further information 463-3907.
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