David A. Dulong CLAREMONT — David Alan Dulong, age 65, of 2 Grandview St., Claremont, New Hampshire, passed away at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center on May 12, 2022, following a brief illness. David was born Feb. 22, 1957, in Melrose, Massachusetts. He was the son of Kenneth Henry Dulong and Alice Cynthia Lyle Dulong. His mother passed at a young age, and later his father married Eleanor Louise Dulong. David graduated from Middlesex High School, Townsend, Massachusetts, class of 1975. He ran track in high school and won lots of races. After high school, he joined the Navy for a brief time, then came back to the Langdon/Charlestown, New Hampshire, area. He worked at White Metal Rolling and Stamp Corp. until it closed, where people who worked with him remember him fondly. Then David moved to Claremont, New Hampshire, where he worked for Aslan’s cleaning service. He met and married Moly Dulong, and they had two sons, Kenneth Henry Dulong and Zachary Dulong. He attended the Peterson School and learned steam plant operator. He started working at Hemphill Power as a fuel handler, worked his way up to steam plant operator, and finally control room. He continued working there until he passed. The plant changed hands a couple of times, but his coworkers were there with him for many years. He will be missed at his work. In addition to his parents, David was predeceased by Larry Sheppard, his sister Liz’s first husband; and Desi, Liz and Larry’s beautiful daughter. David is survived by his sons, Zachary Dulong and Kenneth Henry Dulong; his fiancée, Tanya Pohl, and their two children, Zaylynn and Zander. He is also survived by his beloved stepmother, Eleanor Dulong; her son, Roy Brown, his son, Jackson; and her daughter, Cheryl Amsden, and her son, Jeff Cheeney, and daughter Andrea Jacques, and their families. His brother, Bill Dulong, and twin sisters, Liz Meere and Louise Cheeney, also survive Davel as well as Louise’s husband, Steve Cheeney, and their son, Josh, and Liz’s husband, Jack Meere, and their adopted son, Joey, son of Desi. Next there are many nieces and nephews, too many to list. Dave loved people, he was always making friends and making people laugh everywhere he went. He was artistic and made clay figurines that were amazing. He loved music and followed the Grateful Dead for a brief time in his early years. He loved going to art museums and did beautiful nature photography. He often would go to Zach’s house and just have a meal and relax with him. Dave loved Zach so much. When his oldest brought his then-friend Tanya to the house, Tanya and Zaylynn stole Dave’s heart. He loved doing anything at all with Zaylynn, they played, shopped, went to Santa’s Land, Montshire, sat around watching Disney. Zaylynn and Dave were really best friends. She cooked with him, birthday cakes for family, and they played around with Dave’s crazy dog, Otis. Dave loved that dog. When Dave was off work, and Kenny was at work, Dave, Tanya and Zaylynn would go do fun things. He loved to take “his girls” out. They brought him so much joy. It is such a gift that he had this time with them. Kenny, Zach, Tanya, Zaylynn, Zander and Otis were Dave’s people. He loved them with his whole heart. He loved people, and people loved him. Dave was always helpful to neighbors and family, and anyone in need. There are so many people whose lives he touched. And he was funny. Always making the comment that made you do a double take. Look at him, he’d be grinning like crazy. Also did funny pranks at work. His coworkers and the Brehio family were an important part of Dave’s world. They are included here, as Dave would want. A potluck gathering is going to be held May 28, tentatively at the Langdon Town Hall. Anyone who knew Dave is welcome; we love to hear stories of Dave’s antics. We are thinking around noon. Please get ahold of one of us closer to then, as we will know more details. Arrangements are with Stringer Funeral Homes and Crematorium, 146 Broad St., Claremont, NH 03743. To view an online memorial or send a private message of condolence, visit www.stringerfh.com.
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