
These Heels Were Made for Walking: Local Senior Smashes Tight Rope World Record

By Dylan Marsh
BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. -A world record has been smashed in Bellows Falls. Ariana Wunderle, a Bellows Falls Union High School senior, walked a tightrope in heels for her fellow students to make her way into the Guiness Book of World Records.

Circus Smirkus, a Vermont based non-profit youth circus, is where Wunderle got her start performing under the big top. At only two-years-old, Wunderle and her sister each became “troopers in training”, a title bestowed to them by the circus, as performers traditionally begin at the age of 10. Wunderle has also trained at the New England Center for Circus Arts (NECCA), a clown school located in Vermont, her entire life.

Being introduced to the circus at a young age comes as no surprise in this family. Wunderle’s father attended art and clown college before going on to tour with the Ringling Brothers and the Barnum and Bailey Circus. He would eventually end up working with Circus Smirkus, where Wunderle’s mother also worked.

Aside from a deep love of the performing arts, Wunderle’s father also had her considering the idea of breaking a world record. The Wunderle’’s had often discussed the idea of doing so as a father-daughter team. When a student approached Mr. Wunderle with the current world record, he brought the idea up to his daughter later that day. It was during that summer that Wunderle learned to walk on a tightrope in heels.

Circus Smirkus, being a youth circus, takes performers from the ages of 10-18. This being Wunderle’s senior year in high school, it will be the last time she is able to perform with this circus. Wunderle also created a fundraiser to bring money to Circus Smirkus, hoping the world record challenge would bring attention to it, she set a goal of $1,000. The goal has been met,and then some, as it stands the amount raised is currently $3,675. Wanting to give back to the community that taught her so much, and having her senior project, she decided to combine the two.

So, on May 16,2022, in front of her family, classmates, and BFUHS staff, Wunderle began her attempt. Wunderle’s wire, borrowed from NECCA, measured out at six feet, eight and three quarters inches tall, 19 feet in length and her stiletto heels measured in at four inches.To tie the world record, Wunderle would have to make four passes on the rope, or walk a total of 15 meters.

Wunderele did tie the world record, and then decided she wanted to try to double it and go for 30 meters. After 55 minutes of tightrope walking in heels the BFUHS senior had walked 194.983 meters, completely crushing the previous record.

“I was pretty proud of myself. My legs weren’t shaking. Once I got to six I wanted to double the world record. I felt super strong. I got into a trance or zone and kind of forgot I was seven feet above ground in heels on a tiny rope. I knew I could just keep going. I just let my body keep moving,” Wunderle said of her thoughts while on the rope.

The Wunderele family have sent in their evidence requirements to the Guiness Book of World Records and now they wait patiently to hear back. The process can take up to 12 weeks to review and certify the attempt.

The current world record is held by Russian born tightrope dancer Oxana Seroshtan. It was on Lo Show dei Record, an Italian television show where contestants try to break world records that Seroshtan walked on the tightrope in four inch heels for a total of 15 meters. It is a world record Seroshtan has held since 2014. Seroshtans distance of 15 meters doubled the previous world record.

In the fall, Wunderle will be attending Ithaca College, where she plans to continue focusing on her circus performing endeavors as well as her academic achievements.

“I have always struggled with confidence and mental blocks and this has shown me how much stronger I am than I ever gave myself credit for. It’s easy to doubt and second guess. Believe in yourself,” Wunderle said about accomplishing her goal.

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