By Karen Dandurant
PORTSMOUTH — Portsmouth Pride is always a joyous celebration, but on Saturday the event carried an undercurrent of fear.
“We are living in a country where one half of us are ruled by hate,” said Hershey Hirschkop, executive director of Seacoast Outright, the LGBTQ+ youth organization in charge of Portsmouth Pride. “If we don’t, as communities, step up, work hard to protect rights, anything can happen.”
The U.S. Supreme Court decision a day earlier to overturn Roe v. Wade, ending 49 years of abortion as a constitutional right, has raised concerns LGBTQ+ rights and protections could be eliminated, too. Supreme Court Associate Justice Clarence Thomas stating the court should “reconsider” same-sex marriage and access to contraception has fueled those fears.
“I think this is just the start,” said Tanisha Johnson, one of the founders of Black Lives Matter Seacoast. “They take away a woman’s right as a female, what’s next? Brown v. the Board of Education? Same-sex marriage? People are calling this the third civil rights movement coming.”
Hampton resident Henry Stonie said he has attended every Portsmouth Pride event and worries about the fate of rights that were hard fought for and won.
“”I think Roe v. Wade was just the beginning,’ Stonie said. “I think we need to be really vigilant. We need to stand up for what we earned so we keep it.”
The Rev. Jennifer Mazur, who is poised to officially become the North Church pastor pending a Sunday vote, offered Pride activities inside the church, and talked about the impact of the Supreme Court’s decision.
“Pride is a hallmark of what it means to be what you want to be,” Mazur said. “It’s a day of liberation. But the opinions of Justice Clarence Thomas are scary. My job is to advocate for people, and that means everybody. We have to keep in mind that we are diverse people and my faith calls me to advocate for all people.”
“From what I have heard, it seems the courts will b coming after other rights we have had for so long now,” said Claudia Groleau of Portsmouth. “We are very concerned, wondering if other court precedents will be upheld, things like access to birth control and the right to same-sex marriage.”
The Portsmouth Pride march, which swelled to thousands, began in Market Square, proceeding to Strawbery Banke Museum grounds, where speakers, music, vendors and nonprofit groups gathered to celebrate.
“We want all these people here; we want to harness this energy,” said state Rep. Debra Altschiller, D-Stratham. “This is now on the states’ shoulders, and we all need to get out and vote. … I know 100% that the defeat of Roe v. Wade will lead to more rights challenged. I know if we (Democrats) lose the House and the Senate nationally, we will have an abortion ban. They have already said so.”
Loren Selig, a Durham Democrat seeking election to the New Hampshire House, agreed. She said she will continue fighting to preserve basic human rights.
Crystal Paradis, of the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation, asked people to follow her group, to learn more about their advocacy and ways everyone can help.
“We need to stand up and fight,” Paradis said. “We need to elect people who will stand up for your rights. That is the power we have.”
Portsmouth Mayor Deaglan McEachern welcomed the Pride attendees, as every city mayor has done since it’s inception.
“There is no room for compromise in who you are, in who you love,” McEachern said. “You are always welcome here, in the city of the open door.”
Sen. Maggie Hassan and Rep. Chris Pappas, both D-New Hampshire spoke about their work to try to pass the Equality Act, which would ban discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, education and other areas.
Editor’s note: State Rep. Debra Altschiller, D-Stratham, is the wife of Howard Altschiller, executive editor of Seacoast Media Group.
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