
VT Reproductive Rights Rally

The Rutland Herald
There will be a rally in support of the proposed Reproductive Liberty Amendment, Saturday at Main Street Park in Rutland from noon to 2 p.m.

The Reproductive Liberty Amendment is a proposed amendment to the Vermont constitution that proponents say will strengthen people’s rights to make their own reproductive decisions with regards to birth control and abortion care. The rally is partly in response to the recent overturn of Roe v. Wade.

Among the rally’s speakers are: Mia Schultz; Mary Gerisch; Rabbi Ellie Shemtov, Rev. Barbara Threet, Robin Chesnut-Tangerman, Lennon Philo, Chianna Calabrese, Henri June, and Jennie Gartner.

Main Street Park is off Route 7 at West Street.

keith.whitcomb @rutlandherald.com

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