If you wish people to vote for you, let them know that you support our democracy and will work to restore our privacy and eliminate government action intended to legislate morality and stifle our freedom.
Democracy is under attack, and it is partially because of the childish behavior of our legislators. How can we expect our citizens to behave with dignity and respect for each other when our legislators cannot get along with respect and compromise?
More legislation is not the answer to our Country’s current upheaval. If government would simply stop trying to run our private lives, most of us with turn our focus onto improving our own lives and not feel an angry need to strike out at others.
Partisan politicians have placed their party above their country. When a legislative body votes strictly along party lines, someone is not being true to their oath and their constituents. Your party is a basis for broad agreement on principles. It should not determine how you vote on every issue. Please use your head and vote your conscience as you know your constituents would prefer. Remember that, once elected, you represent all of the citizens of your geographic area, not just those of your party.
Finally, as you campaign, be respectful of your opposition. Tell us what you will do for us, not what your opponent won’t do. If you are elected, stay true to your oath. Work to eliminate restrictive laws, not add new ones. Work to give us back our freedom, privacy, and our Constitutional rights!
John Anderson
Croydon, NH
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