Will Democrats Work Harder?
Will Democrats work harder than ever to rebuff Republican extremism and national treachery ? Will they, Independents and disaffected Republicans get active and interact politically in their communities to help secure our Democracy from “Insurrectionist Supporting” current politicians and their candidates ?
Elections have consequences. We have seen, in the last election, how the absolute calamity created by Democratic timidity at canvassing door-to-door resulted in a wave of extremist “Free Staters” getting elected to the NH Legislature in this past general session. We have seen the Republican/Libertarian effort to have NH secede from the union! We have witnessed and suffered through the public attacks on the poor, programs for the elderly, public education, school boards, teachers, principals, superintendents, selectpersons and on our electoral system itself. Such extremes of governance have seriously set back our state because Republican extremists, facilitated by Governor “Super-Veto” Sununu, were in charge.
We cannot, we must not have a repeat of the regression to the 19th century led by muddled-thinking Republicans in the last election. We cannot let them set the agenda for the next series of elections.
If you care about your/our Democracy and the very fabric of American culture and society…. you MUST do all you can at all levels of our political efforts to elect, thoughtful, caring, progressive Democratic candidates to undo the “wrongs” of Republican leadership and create the caring, thoughtful, responsible and fair society we crave!
Herb Moyer
Exeter, NH
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