The Associated Press
BOLTON, Vt. — Bags of human waste have been appearing all summer near the Winooski River in the town of Bolton and local and state officials want to help whoever is responsible.
Officials suspect whoever is doing the dumping has a failed septic system. There is a program to help Vermonters replace failed septic systems.
“Our goal is to help get the system fixed and make sure that people have a safe, clean environment to live in,” Megan Cousino of the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation t old WCAX-TV.
Back in May, volunteers discovered trash bags containing upwards of 400 pounds of human waste and toilet paper that had been dumped over a guard rail. Volunteers cleaned up the original mess, but the dumping has continued.
Bolton officials said some of the bags had been ripped open by animals and their contents spread onto nearby properties.
Cousino said the state has a program to help Vermonters replace failed septic systems.
A new septic system can cost as much as $40,000. People making less than $65,000 can be eligible for up to $20,000 in assistance. For those making more than $65,000, the assistance can be up to $10,000.
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