I am running to represent your communities in the NH House of Representatives, and I ask for your vote.
As a four-term legislator, I am proud of the things we accomplished on behalf of all NH residents. I believe my experience working across the aisle, speaks to my ability to get things done. A Newport Selectmen for 21 years gave me great insight into the needs of cities and towns, how what we do in Concord affects them, and how to compromise for the benefit of ALL.
This past legislative session saw an influx of Free State representative whose main goal is to dismantle government, eliminate the NH Department of Education and cut services to low income and marginalize people. It created great divisions in Concord, and we need to stop the vitriol and get back to common ground.
Personal freedoms are on the ballot. Protecting reproductive rights in New Hampshire is critical. When the Executive Council refused to fund the health care facilities such as Planned Parenthood, that left thousands of women, and some men, without basic health care.
Defending the Second Amendment of the US Constitution is always on the ballot. I believe that all the amendments are important, and I worry what might be the next one under attack. I do believe in reasonable gun laws that protect you and me from senseless attacks but would never vote to take away your basic right to own a gun.
Finally, education is on the ballot. We must find a solution to fund our public schools adequately. I think the Education Freedom accounts are poorly managed, damage our public schools and raise your property taxes.
I hope these are things that you care about and if you do, then I ask for your VOTE on November 8, 2022.
Virginia Irwin
Newport, NH
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