
LTE: ‘The Great Flip-Flopper’

As a life long resident of New Hampshire, I appreciate our Granite State values; our personal freedoms while still caring for our neighbors; our independence while finding common ground to get things done. Those of us who have reached a certain age also value our Medicare and Social Security benefits which we worked hard for during our lifetime. Senator Maggie Hassan, who also lives those values each day and cares about our state, especially our Senior Citizens, has successfully fought to lower costs for us, including the high costs of prescription drugs. Her efforts embody our values but her opponent does not. Don Bolduc the great flip-flopper, has consistently promised to end Medicare and Social Security, slash trillions from the programs, and leave our seniors out in the cold. When asked to clarify his stance, he said Social Security has “been there since 1935, it’s time for change.” To him, that “change” is eliminating programs that seniors depend on – programs that we have paid into. Don Bolduc’s views do not represent who I am as a Granite Stater and he cannot represent us in the Senate.

Virginia Irwin

Newport, NH

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