
LTE: Different Drummer

Words are never enough to describe certain kinds of actions, as when people have laid everything on the line, including their brains, blood and bodies. Military Cemeteries of American Soldiers, Sailors, Coast Guardsmen and Air Force personnel are all over the world. The Cross or the Star of David in row after row of grave markers says more than any polished speaker could ever hope to say. If silence were ever golden, this may be the perfect time. We don’t know all the promises these fallen service members made or the plans they shared, but what we do know is that by one supreme act they summed up the highest virtues of men and citizens. For love of Country they accepted death and made immortal their patriotism and virtue.

The greatest weapon the world has ever seen is the moral courage of free men and women. Ever since the founding of our great Country, we have unleashed the most fierce weapon possible, the power of freedom combined with the ammunition of each individual’s dignity. Courage is contagious for when brave men take a stand, the spine of others is stiffened. Mark Twain said, “Patriotism is supporting your Country all the time and government when it deserves it.” Joseph Campbell, after years of research, succinctly stated, “A hero is someone who has dedicated his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” Thus, following Memorial Day we renew our pledge, that we will never forget our service men and women and why they did what they did. We will renew our commitment to toughness that, come what may in this world, we will not give in to fear or surrender our freedoms.

Memorial Day brings to our minds and hearts three incredible truths: (1) Grief is the price we pay for love. (2) Gratitude is the greatest motivation in the world. (3) There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer. These three truths are what has made the United States Military the finest the world has ever known. May these three truths dominate our family and communities across our land. All the wars that ever have been fought underline and magnify these existential realities. Our Country will never be able to repay this debt. But may we never forget what they have done to preserve the freedoms we cherish in this Nation!

Paul MacVittie

Newbury, NH

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