
Claremont Residents Fill Board Positions

By Chris Frost
CLAREMONT, N.H. — The Claremont City Council unanimously appointed five new people to fill vacancies on a variety of city boards, during its Wednesday meeting.

Arthur LaPorte is joining the Airport Advisory Board. His term will expire on June 30, 2025. The board recommends funding, operation, grants, maintenance and other operational opportunities to the city manager and council.

David Bailey is expected to join the Mt. Ascutney Region River Subcommittee of the Connecticut River Joint Commission. The council’s action is actually a nomination that must be approved by the Joint Commission. The term is for three years. The Joint Commission concentrates its efforts on 39 miles of the Connecticut River and the land adjacent to the river up to Route 12A in New Hampshire and Route 5 in Vermont.

Bailey will also take an alternate seat on the Conservation Commission, which expires on March 31, 2026. The commission is responsible for conservation programming and open space use in the city.

The vacancy on the Frances J. Tolles Board Home Board of Trustees will be filled by Nancy Poirier, with her term to expire on June 21, 2026. The board manages the fiscal and prudential affairs of the home, which was gifted to the city by the will of Frances J. Tolles, as a home for “worthy elderly ladies in straitened circumstances.”

Maxime Guinel de France will serve on the Claremont Planning Board, with a term to expire on March 31, 2026. The Planning Board is responsible for developing the city’s Master Plan and reviewing development proposals through the site plan and subdivision process.

“It’s nice to see people stepping up and filling our seats,” Mayor Dale Girard said.

With vacancies remaining on several board and commissions, Claremont citizens interested in serving their community are encouraged to call the Office of Planning and Development at 603-504-0347 or visit Completing the application is all that’s needed to be considered for a position.

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