
Sunapee loan would pay for watershed management plan

SUNAPEE, NH — The Perkins Pond Protective Association has been successful in gaining the Sunapee Select Board’s recommendation for placing a warrant article on the town’s March ballot.

The warrant will ask the town to approve accepting a loan from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund for the development of a Watershed Management Plan for Perkins Pond. When the plan is completed, the state will forgive the loan. Any interest on the loan will be paid by the Protective Association.

The Protective Association has tested the water quality as part of the Voluntary Lake Assessment Program since 1987 and the data has shown stubbornly high levels of phosphorous and chlorophyll-a. This shows conditions that contribute to plant life, which then decompose, adding to silt at the bottom of the lake. The lake, which is only 9 feet at its deepest, is continually filling in, and in jeopardy of becoming extremely shallow.

The Watershed Management Plan will provide a scientific analysis of the specific causes and possible remedies. The plan will prioritize remediation to stabilize and improve the water quality, both by those in the watershed and the broader community. This new study follows a previous study done in 2009, updating the almost 20-year-old data and identifies storm water best management practices. The study is required by New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and federal Environmental Protection Agency to qualify for any additional grants to fun remediation.

The town has received pre-approval for a $100,000 loan from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund to prepare the plan, however residents must vote to accept Article 3 to receive the loan, and for the eventual loan forgiveness, The town is the only entity that can receive the funds.

The total cost of the interest is estimated to be $2,000 and Protective Association members have agreed to pay interest on the loan.

A voter information session will be held at 6 p.m., Jan. 30, at the Lake Sunapee Protective Association.

For more information, visit the Perkins Pond Protective Association website at

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