The First in the Nation Primary will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 23, and the 2024 slate of candidates can be viewed below.
In order to be on the ballot, a candidate must pay $1,000 to the NH Secretary of State during the filing period in October, as well as file a declaration of candidacy. Only registered Republicans or Democrats can run on the ballot in New Hampshire.
Since the October filing, a handful of candidates have suspended their candidacy, but that doesn’t remove them from the ballot.
On the Republican ticket, there are 24 candidates on the ballots, even though several have pulled out of the race.
While the Democratic ticket won’t result in delegates to the national convention this year, 21 candidates hope to be the winner of the New Hampshire Primary.
President Joe Biden isn’t among the Democratic candidates on the ballot, opting instead to start his bid to return to the White House in South Carolina. A write-in campaign is being run on his behalf.
For questions about where to vote, ask your town clerk or go to https://www.sos.nh.gov/elections/voters.
On the Republican ticket, there are 24 candidates on the ballots, even though several have pulled out of the race. In no order, and current by the published date:
• Samuel Howard Sloan from Oakland, California
A professional chess player, publisher and repeat candidate. No website.
• Dr. David Stuckenberg from Tampa, Florida
Major in the U.S. Army, CEO of a technology start-up and security strategist.
• Rachel Swift from Hagerstown, Maryland
An actress and social media personality. No website.
• Donald J. Trump from Palm Beach, Florida
Former President of the United States, business owner and media personality.
• Scott Alan Ayers from Carpentersville, Illinois
Auto-repair shop owner. https://scottalanayers.com/about.html
• Ryan L. Binkley from Dallas, Texas
Pastor and business owner. https://binkley2024.com/
• Robert S. Carney, Jr. from Minneapolis, Minnesota
Consultant and repeat political candidate. No website.
• John Anthony Castro from Mansfield, Texas
Who describes himself as a tax attorney, and CEO of tax firm. No website.
• Ron DeSantis from Tallahassee, Florida
Current Governor of Florida, former congressman, and Naval officer. https://rondesantis.com/
• Nikki Haley from Kiawah Island, South Carolina
Former US United Nations Ambassador, Governor of South Carolina and accountant. https://nikkihaley.com/
• Asa Hutchinson from Rogers, Arkansas
Former Governor of Arkansas, Congressman, an Undersecretary at Homeland, and US Attorney. https://www.asa2024.com/
• Peter Jedick from Rocky River, Ohio
Retired Fire-fighter, former journalist, author, and historian.
• Donald Kjornes from Watertown, South Dakota
Realtor, landlord, and investor. No website.
• Mary Maxwell from Concord, New Hampshire
Writer and repeat political candidate. https://www.constitutionandtruth.com/
• Glenn J. McPeters from Essex Junction, Vermont
Technology corporation employee, small business owner transporting special needs children to school.
• Scott Peterson Merrell from Norwalk, Connecticut
Veterinarian and repeat political candidate. No Website.
• Darius L. Mitchell from Lowell, Massachusetts
Known as the Hip-Hop Republican and content maker. No Website.
• Vivek Ramaswamy from Columbus, Ohio
Author, entrepreneur, and businessman. https://www.vivek2024.com/
Campaign suspended January 15th, 2024.
• Doug Burgum from Bismarck, North Dakota
Current Governor of North Dakota, a tech businessman, investor, and philanthropist. Campaign suspended December 4th, 2023. https://www.dougburgum.com/
• Hirsh V. Singh from Linwood, New Jersey
Senior Director of an aviation & aerospace company, repeat political candidate. Campaign suspended October 31st, 2023. https://www.hirshsingh.com/
• Chris Christie from Mendham, New Jersey
Former Governor of New Jersey and US Attorney. Campaign suspended January 10th, 2024. https://chrischristie.com/
• Perry Johnson from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Author and international certification and registration business owner. Campaign suspended October 20th, 2023. https://www.perryjohnson.com/perry-who/
• Mike Pence from Zionsville, Indiana
Former Vice President of the United States, Governor of Indianna, Congressman, and Lawyer.
Campaign suspended October 28th, 2023. https://mikepence2024.com/
• Tim Scott from Hanahan, South Carolina.
Current South Carlonia US Senator. Campaign suspended November 12th, 2023. https://win.votetimscott.com/
The Democrat tickets this year will not designate delegates to the winner of the New Hampshire Primary.
• Frankie Lozada from Valley Stream, New York
Entrepreneur and asylum-seeker advocate. https://lozada2024.com/
• Stephen P. Lyons from Damascus, Maryland
Master Plumber & Gas Fitter. https://lyons2024.com/
• Raymond Michael Moroz from Colonie, New York.
Repeat political candidate. No website.
• Derek Nadeau from Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Entrepreneur, businessman and inventor. No website.
• Jason Michael Palmer from Baltimore, Maryland
Entrepreneur, impact investor, and philanthropist. https://palmerforpresident.us
• Mando Perez-Serrato from Orange, California
Business owner. https://presidentmando.com/
• Dean Phillips from Wayzata, Minnesota
Current Congressman for Minnesota and owner of a national gelato brand. https://www.dean24.com/
• Donald Picard from Cambridge, Massachusetts
Software Engineer. https://www.picardforamerica.com/
• Paperboy Love Prince from Brooklyn, New York
American artist and community activist. https://paperboy.nyc/
• Richard Rist from Baltimore, Maryland
Sculptor and Navy veteran. https://richardrist.com/
• Vermin Supreme from Rockport, Massachusetts
Repeat political candidate and performing artist. https://vermin2024.com/
• John Vail from Easton, New Hampshire
North Country resident. https://www.sendnomoney.org/
• Marianne Williamson from Washington, District of Columbia
Self-help author, spiritual advisor, and activist. https://marianne2024.com/
• President R. Boddie from Atlanta, Georgia
Repeat political candidate. No website.
• Terrisa Bukovinac from Washington, District of Columbia
Progressive and pro-life activist. https://terrisa2024.com/
• Eban Cambridge from Hayward, California
Emergency Medical Technician and web Developer. No website.
• Gabriel Cornejo from Las Vegas, Nevada
Nonprofit founder, project designer, and business owner. https://www.gabe2024.com/
• Mark Stewart Greenstein from West Hartford, Connecticut
Businessman, former lawyer, and educator. https://www.stewartforliberty.com/
• Tom Koos from Woodside, California
Associate Director at Stanford and repeat political candidate. No website.
• Dr. Paul V. LaCava from Worcester, Massachusetts
College medical Professor. No website.
• Star Locke from Port Aransas, Texas
Repeat political candidate and cowboy. https://starovertexas.net/index.html
Who isn’t running
President Joe Biden isn’t among the Democratic candidates on the New Hampshire primary ballot, opting instead to start his bid to return to the White House in South Carolina. A write-in campaign is being run on his behalf.
For questions about where to vote, ask your town clerk or go to https://www.sos.nh.gov/elections/voters
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