Eagle Times News Editor
Editor’s Note: This story has been updated.
CLAREMONT, N.H. — Things became tense during the citizens’ forum segment of the Wednesday, Feb. 14,citycouncil meeting, as Claremont resident Norm Blouinfailed toabide by thefive-minutelimitforspeakers.
Addressing City Manager Yoshi Manale, Blouin charged “I thinkyou’vegot to step up. I have nothing againstyou,butyou’vegot to step up and take hold of the reins or the next thingI’mgoing to say to you istender your resignationor be fired in the morning. I pay you through my taxes and itshouldn’tbe any more than $7 right now.”
Prompted by the one-minute warning sign, he declared “I see your damn sign and,as long asI’mpaying taxes,you’regoing to listen. You want to throw me out?Go getthe chief!”
Because Blouin continued after theexpirationof his time, Mayor Dale Girard recessed the meeting, which caused Blouin to stop. Girard and Councilor AndrewO’Hearnewere among those who left the meeting room after the meeting was recessed. Blouin was heard after the recess yelling that he was “thrown out” of the meeting.
In response to an inquiry from the Eagle Times, Girard said that Blouin had called him to apologize for his behavior at the meeting.
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