Eagle Times Correspondent
On Wednesday, Feb. 28, Windsor County was among those in the region who experienced severe power outages due to felled trees and severe wind damage. The resulting damage was due to severe trip storms, defined as storms that up to 73 mph, similar to cyclone activities.
While commonly found in tropical areas with varying extremes, Vermont experienced statewide damage falling under the trip storm classification.
According to Kristin Carleson, strategy and media relations for Green Mountain Power who handles the majority of statewide power outages, their electrical team was prepared and on the ground as of late Wednesday night responding to reports of downed lines, trees and other structures affecting the electrical operations statewide.
Carleson said more than 275,000 folks have been served total for the storm.
“We have served about 4,500 people in Windsor County with only a couple of hundred left,” she said.
Carleson pointed out a major precaution for individuals out and about post storm.
“Crews are making tremendous progress. If anyone should come across a downed power line they should stay far away from it,” Carleson strongly advised, “But again crews are making tremendous progress and we have most of the aftermath behind us as far as outages.”
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