Eagle Times Staff
CLAREMONT, N.H. — Budget season is upon us, and the Claremont City Council tentatively approved components of the 2025 City Manager’s proposed budget at their May 15 meeting, which each by 8-0 votes.
A key portion of the discussion came through a presentation from Fire Chief Jim Chamberlain about the proposed fire department budget, and tentatively gave it the nod for the amount of $2,861,898.
One increase that he asked for in this budget was in the vehicle maintenance line to repair a rusted frame in Engine 3 at an estimated cost of $30,000. If they do nothing, they will get five more years out of the apparatus, and a new piece is $800,000 to $1 million, so a repair would be more cost effective.
An additional $1,850 was requested for training and employee development. Also requested is $3,275 to create a Deputy Fire Chief of Operations, which involves redistributing the current overall personnel count with three captains and one Deputy Chief of Operations on the floor level. This oversees all special duties and creates a clearer line of succession.
The department is also looking to continue the smoke detector program, as it is a good aspect of community engagement.
Chamberlain went over the last year of the department, noting that they have responded to 1,447 calls for service in a variety of capacities. He said the department has a 100% response rate to mutual aid communities.
To put it into perspective, a city in related size, Berlin, responded to 905 calls and has the same personnel structure of four members working four shifts. The city of Nashua responded to 8,700 calls for service as one of the larger departments in the state, but they have six fire houses, making it an average of 1,450 calls per house.
“What this shows is that the fire department in Claremont is a busy and progressive department,” Chamberlain said.
Chamberlain said the budget before the council still had several line items, such as the machines and equipment line, that had a significant amount of funds within. While the bottom line of the budget is on par with the fiscal year, Chamberlain noted that he has been identifying line items to offset costs elsewhere.
“The budget proposal before you tonight is an accurate representation of all department personnel,” he said. “Looking ahead to the next fiscal year, I want to continue to build on the progress that we have made, focusing on the ABCs: good attitude, good behavior and good character.”
He said he wants a department that is more community engaged, and his personnel will be seen at community events, sporting events and other community activities to show they are one with the community. This is a direct tactic for recruitment efforts, as well.
“It is important to note, however, that our number one mission has not changed, and that is to provide second to none emergency response to the citizens of Claremont,” Chamberlain said.
He added, “Our department plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and well being of our community.
Chamberlain also presented the Airport budget, which asked for two main increases in the machines and equipment line ($18,000) for updating outdated lawn care equipment, and also the land maintenance and repair line ($25,000) to plan for the obstruction and removal project. The remaining budget lines are consistent with previous years, he said.
The board voted to tentatively approve the amount of $106,850.
The council tentatively approved $1,072,682 for the Planning and Development proposed budget. Planning and Development Director Nancy Merrill outlined department priorities which included economic development through aspects like the completion of the Arts Center; downtown development through expanding small business outreach; updating site plan regulations, subdivision regulations and updating zoning; and communicating within and outside the community.
Also tentatively approved was: the TIF District budget of $682,950; Claremont Savings Bank Community Center Recreation budget for $1,408,027; The Finance and City Administrative Finance Budget of $973,024; and the General Services budget for $1,042.011.
The city council will meet on May 22 and May 29 for two more budget sessions, making it four in total. A vote has been slated for June 12. City Manager Yoshi Manale said that the budget needs to be approved by the end of June.
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