
Vermont hunter education courses offered now 

MONTPELIER, Vt. — Vermont’s volunteer hunter education instructors are now holding a limited number of courses throughout the state. A person must pass the basic hunter education course before they can purchase their first hunting license. 

“Most of these courses are held in August and September,” said Vermont Fish and Wildlife’s Hunter Education Coordinator Nicole Meier.  “All of our instructors are volunteers. They teach because they are passionate about hunting and want to ensure that Vermont’s safe hunting legacy continues. We credit Vermont’s strong safety record with our volunteer instructors. Volunteer instructors are the backbone of the Vermont Hunter Education Program. They are vital to Vermont’s strong record of safe hunting. Hands-on and in-person learning from an experienced instructor are the best ways to become familiar with the skills associated with safe hunting.” 

“Courses are available in basic hunter education, bowhunter education, trapper education, and combination hunter-bowhunter education,” Meier added. “We expect more classes to be posted throughout August and September. If you don’t see a class in your area listed yet, keep watching the website or call our office for more information at 802-828-1193.” 

Those interested must be 18 years old and a resident of Vermont to take the online hunter or bowhunter education courses. The courses will be listed as they become available on Vermont Fish and Wildlife’s website To register for a course, visit