Local News

Changes Boutique & Thrift Store to close temporarily 

CLAREMONT, N.H. — Turning Points Network (TPN) announced that its social enterprise store, Changes Boutique & Thrift, will be temporarily closing on Jan. 16. A large sale is planned for Wednesday, Jan. 15, from 11:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. at 55 Pleasant Street in Claremont to reduce inventory in preparation for the closure. TPN will announce the reopening and new location later this winter. 

Since 1985, Changes has offered survivors of domestic violence a place to shop for free, and to secure what they need for themselves and their children. Additionally, 100% of the sales at Changes to the community go directly toward providing life-changing services at TPN for no cost.  

“While we have loved being on Pleasant Street, the challenges for Changes in weathering and then recovering from the pandemic have been substantial,” said Pascale N. Graham, TPN executive director. “We have been consulting with our board for several months about other places where Changes could thrive and continue to provide low cost, quality clothing for the community, and have made the decision to temporarily close the store.” 

Graham noted that a new location has been secured but requires renovations before the store can open to the public. A grand reopening announcement will be forthcoming later this winter. 

To help assist the store in its preparation for moving, the public is invited to the inventory reduction sale on Jan. 15 starting at 11:30 a.m. All items will be substantially marked down with fill-a-bag options for $2.50 (small) and $10 (large) available to all shoppers. For more information, email [email protected] or call 603-543-0155. 

Turning Points Network (TPN) is a private, nonprofit agency that provides 24-hour crisis and support services to all survivors of domestic and sexual violence and stalking throughout Sullivan County. TPN’s Pre-K—12 violence prevention programming is taught to more than 2,400 students annually. All services offered at TPN are confidential and free of charge.