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Open call for Winter Artist in Residence at the Claremont MakerSpace 

CLAREMONT, N.H. — The Claremont MakerSpace is seeking interested artists to apply for the Winter Artist in Residence (AiR) Program that will run from Feb. 1 through April 11, 2025. The program is designed to empower New Hampshire and Vermont based artists with tools, training and space to create compelling new work. The application deadline is Jan. 26 and the online application form is available on the CMS website at claremontmakerspace.org/artist-in-residence/.  

Each CMS Artist In Residence receives a $1,000 stipend toward the creation of new work at CMS, three months of unlimited membership, 10 weeks of dedicated studio space, and training to use new tools. There is also gallery space in the building where artist work can be exhibited and available for sale to the public. While in residence, the artist is required to teach at least one public class for any skill level in any medium, as well as engage with a local high school class as a role model for the arts. Each CMS residency runs for 10 weeks and is valued over $1,800. 

The Claremont MakerSpace originally launched the Artist in Residence Program in 2018 through a grant from the NH State Council on the Arts. After a dormant period in 2022-23, CMS relaunched the AiR Program in October 2024 through a sponsorship by Maine Oxy and the Northern Borders Regional Commission. The NH State Council on the Arts awarded CMS a Community Engagement grant in the fall of 2024 to fund the program throughout 2025, supporting four residencies. 

TwinState MakerSpaces, Inc. is the parent company of the Claremont MakerSpace, and it is a registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. The CMS AiR Program is supported in part by the NH State Council on the Arts and the National Endowment for the Arts. For more information about the Claremont MakerSpace, the AiR Program or to schedule a tour, please visit: claremontmakerspace.org. The Claremont MakerSpace is located at 46 Main Street in Claremont, New Hampshire.