Neighbors in Sullivan County came together in 2024 to take care of one another in a tangible, unforgettable way. Of the 60 homes that COVER repaired throughout the greater Upper Valley in 2024, almost a quarter of them were in Sullivan County. Five in Claremont, five in Charlestown, two in Newport, one in Unity and one in Springfield.
Projects addressed water infiltration through roof repairs and replacements; ensured safe access and egress through the construction of wheelchair ramps or replacement of failing stairs; prevented heat loss through the completion of weatherization and insulation projects; and smaller projects to make homes safer and more functional.
In the area, housing prices are high and affordable housing is limited. Making home repairs and improvements is critical to preserving the existing housing stock. Many of COVER’s homeowners are older adults living with physical challenges who are unable to afford the cost of home repair. With the help of their neighbors, they are now able to stay safe, warm, and independent in their homes.
Historically 20% of COVER’s home repair projects are completed in Sullivan County (and 2024 was no different). But often less than 5% of their volunteers came from Sullivan County. In 2024, COVER embarked on a campaign to recruit more volunteers from the community. COVER received generous grant funds from Volunteer NH to create videos featuring community members from Claremont and the surrounding towns. What we heard was that there was something special about volunteering to help a neighbor in need.
“The volunteers are the amazing part. They’re the ones that say, ‘Hey, how are you?” said Dorris Longdon, Charlestown resident for whom COVER built a ramp.
“It’s a great reason to get out from behind your desk. It’s a great way to learn some work experience building things. And also a great way to meet people and help out in the community,” said Corey Maass, volunteer from Claremont.
“Working with COVER on this project, I felt like I made a big difference for a number of different people in my community. The homeowners that I’ve come across all seemed very grateful and then I’ve seen them around town. I felt good that they were thriving,” said Corey Maass, volunteer from Claremont.
In 2024, 163 community members volunteered on COVER’s home repair projects. Eleven of them were from Sullivan County. This represented 7% of the total volunteers compared to the 4% in 2023. The vast majority of the volunteers from Sullivan County chose to volunteer in the town they lived in or in a town nearby.
COVER’s work depends on the generosity of donors and volunteers. Outdoor repair projects generally run from April through December. Indoor repairs and weatherization projects run from January to March.
To see a list of volunteer opportunities, please visit
COVER’s home repair program is also supported by the Granite United Way and HPG 533 grant funds from USDA Rural Development.
Founded in 1998, COVER Home Repair’s mission is to foster hope and build community in the Upper Valley of Vermont and New Hampshire. We do this by bringing together homeowners and volunteers to complete urgent home repairs, weatherization improvements, and accessibility modifications at no cost to income-qualifying families. Our work is led by trained staff and powered by volunteers from the community.