
Protect our Littlest Ones 

As Jan. 22 comes around every year, many Americans feel a stab of pain for the millions of babies killed by abortion. Since the 1973 anniversary date legalizing abortion, the number of abortions has risen, and now unknown numbers of unborn babies, conceived in the usual way, are killed each year.  

The reason is overwhelmingly for the convenience of the mother or parents. In our medical system of today, it is rare that the baby must be sacrificed to save a mother’s life. 

A topic that has divided our country, abortion is not something our nation can be proud of, as our founding documents assure us of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Well, good luck to the babies. 

Down to the nitty gritty, the facts of the matter: 

To be “killed” as I used the word, means something has to be alive. Is the baby alive? Yes, the child in the uterus is alive. The scientific meaning of “alive” includes seven to 10 qualities, all of which are present in the developing child. For example: 1. Being in a state where organs perform their function; 2. Responds to stimuli; 3. Reproduction of cells, growth; 4. Ability to convert food into energy; etc. 

To be objectionable, we need to ask: Is the child actually human? Yes, the child is human. DNA confirms that the child is of the human species, from the moment of fertilization. He or she is a human separate and unique from the mother or father. 

Based on these indisputable facts, the intentional act of ending a life in the womb means killing it. How else do you intentionally stop it — after all, if left alone, it will in due course vacate the uterus in a few months. 

Words are used to cloak the act of abortion, for example, choice, termination, reproductive health care. Even the repeated use of the work fetus hides its real meaning: a child developing in the womb. 

The living status and the unique humanity of the child in the womb, as scientifically noted, has given rise in 38 states to “fetal homicide laws” — killing the child in the womb. At least 28 state laws specifically apply to the earliest stages of pregnancy: “any state of gestation/development,” “conception,” “fertilization or post-fertilization.” 

Those laws refer to the death of the baby through motor vehicle accident and other violent act. Yet, what is wrong with the picture is that the mother herself is allowed by law to kill her child. 

Very importantly, those who would like to see the baby protected by law — regardless of stage of development — do not wish to prosecute pregnant woman who do not want a baby. We advocate for her assistance, for the baby’s life, and always the well-being of the mother. 

The abortion / Right to Life debate is not a political issue at its core; nor is it a religious issue. It is a Human Rights issue; it is a common-sense issue. Quoting Monica Snyder from Secular Pro-life and Feminists for Nonviolent Choices: “Abortion tells [women] we can have the same opportunities as men — as long as we are willing to kill our offspring. That is not choice, and that is not equality. We reject a society that assumes women cannot have professional success and families at the same time, and we reject laws that treat mothers and children as problems to overcome.” 

Certain advocates of legal abortion speak as if they represent all women. In fact, approximately half of American women think abortion should be illegal in all or most cases. 

Women who have an abortion are at a greater risk of mental health issues and a higher likelihood of suicide. 

Women deserve better! They deserve assistance so they don’t fall into poverty. They need to be taught how to carry, love and care for their child in the way women are intended. 

Local pregnancy assistance and early parenting assistance, as well as ultrasounds, are available from Pregnancy Center of the Upper Valley with locations in Lebanon and Claremont. Call or text 603-298-6123.  

Help in healing from past abortions is available nationwide at 

Eliminating violence in the womb may lead to eliminating violence in our world. 

Ann is the author of the local column Leaves Are Free. She can be reached at [email protected].