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Local writer, editor to offer workshops & mentoring

WALPOLE, N.H. — Experienced writer and editor, Pam Bernard, has been editing manuscripts and working one-on-one with writers for decades. Bernard’s expertise is focused first upon helping the writer find her voice — the authentic self who struggles to articulate the narrative of her life in memoir or express in poetic form what it’s like be alive in this moment. 

Bernard is a valued educator and writing mentor/coach. Her popular memoir, and also poetry workshops, begin new sessions in early February. 

These stimulating series of writing and reading workshops are for those writers interested in transforming experience into a convincing and compelling story. 

This workshop is not a competitive sport. Each member is encouraged to engage at his or her own pace and comfort level. Participants explore the genre to learn the ground rules of non-fiction, experiment with different approaches to making the personal universal. 

Pam Bernard is author of four books, the most of recent a verse novel titled “Esther.” She is also an editor, writing mentor and coach. She received her MFA in Creative Writing from Warren Wilson College and BA from Harvard University. Her awards include fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and two fellowships from the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Nimrod, Cimarron Review, Narrative, Sojourn, and Valparaiso, are among the many literary journals that have published her work. 

Preferred contact is via email [email protected], or visit pambernard.com for more information about all that Bernard offers. Or call 603-756-4177.