
The Eye-Opening Realm of Avian Sleep 

Birds exist in a fluid and unpredictable world. Survival depends on remaining constantly alert, adapting and responding to encounters with predators and environmental conditions that change with the seasons, weather and geography. But sleep is also essential, providing rest, rejuvenation and healing.   Normally, day-active (diurnal) animals sleep at night, and[Read More…]

Old to New: Newport’s Recreation Center

Ann St. Martin Stout   Leaves Are Free  The Newport Recreation Center, within the next few months, is about to be unrecognizable. A move of several hundred feet south, along Meadow Road, will bring the many activities and opportunities of nearly six decades into the modern age. The old building will[Read More…]

A big win for Claremont Taxpayers

Dale Girard  Mayoral Notes  This past week, the City Council approved a five-year lease-purchase plan for the Department of Public Works (DPW), marking a step toward reducing long-term interest costs for the city. By opting for a shorter lease term over a longer one, the council managed to create nearly[Read More…]

“Up to 20% Off!” Analysis

By Arthur Vidro   The husky young man sat in a chair on the corner of Washington Avenue.  He held a sign on a stick proclaiming something about 20% off at Big Lots.   As I drove by, I couldn’t read the small print on the sign.  So I pulled into the[Read More…]

Dry Wells

By Becky Nelson  I’m gazing out the window looking for some inspiration for my column.   The crows are cawing and talking to each other, which is always something to write about, but maybe another day. The grass is green and some leaves are starting to turn already, some sort of[Read More…]

Going to the Movies? How Many? 

THE OLD DAYS  by Arthur Vidro  When my brother was nine and I was six, our mother dropped us off at the local cinema for a full afternoon so she could visit her own mother at the hospital. Grandma was receiving radiation treatments.  I wanted to go to the hospital,[Read More…]