Family Living

Considering homeschooling? Here are helpful resources

Brandpoint (BPT) (BPT) – If you’ve been thinking about homeschooling your children — or you’re already doing so — you’re not alone. According to the Washington Post, homeschooling has continued to surge since the pandemic, becoming the “fastest growing form of education in the country,” with an estimated 1.9-2.7 million[Read More…]

Family Meals Improve Child and Teen Nutrition

NewsUSA (NewsUSA) – Getting the family together for meals is not always easy, but an increasing body of scientific evidence supports the benefits of family mealtimes and the value in making them a priority. Families who share more meals together eat more healthfully, regardless of children’s age, socioeconomic status, or[Read More…]

Your Back to School Style Starts Here

(StatePoint) With the first day of school just around the corner, it’s important for students to arrive with confidence in footwear that meets their style and function needs. To help make school shopping a bit easier, Rack Room Shoes is offering families advice about this back-to-school season’s top shoe trends:[Read More…]

Unique, Hands-Free Ways to Soothe Your Baby

(Family Features) Most parents know – or soon will – crying is completely normal for babies. Even once you’ve determined a cause for the cries, finding foolproof ways to soothe baby can be difficult. While traditional methods of soothing like bassinets and swings are often effective, they typically require parents[Read More…]