
OTC Products Can Help Smokers Quit

[email protected] (NewsUSA) ( NewsUSA ) – Quit smoking.Easy to say, but hard to do, as many smokers can confirm. Encouraging smokers to quit saves billions in health care costs, promotes longer, healthier lives, and restores lost productivity, according to the Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA).Quitting smoking is a challenge, but[Read More…]

Mental Health Patients Reap Benefits of Psychoanalysis

[email protected] (NewsUSA) ( NewsUSA ) – Psychoanalysis, often stereotyped in arts and literature as patients reclining on couches and talking about their mothers, is enjoying renewed scientific support. Studies have found that psychoanalytic therapies are evidence-based and lead to significant improvements in mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic[Read More…]

Addressing The Health Needs of The Whole Person

[email protected] (NewsUSA) ( NewsUSA ) – Social, economic and environmental factors play a key role in people’s health – where they live, learn work, and play. These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of wealth, power and resources at global, national and local levels.Identifying these so-called “social determinants of health”[Read More…]