By Jason Guyer Irate Oct. 25, 1996, 13 years old and ostentatiously trying to convince my parents to buy the original “Tomb Raider” on the Sony Playstation. When I finally convinced them, “Tomb Raider” became one of my favorite childhood video games, as did the recent reboot in 2013. The[Read More…]
Gardening: The slowest of the performing arts
By HENRY HOMEYER The Gardening Guy March has been ferocious. None of this “In like a lion, out like a lamb” business. The entire month has been a Tyrannosaurus Rex, if you ask me. I’ve done more roof shoveling this month than I usually do in a year. My poor[Read More…]
Time for spring
By BECKY NELSON Bramblings As we head into New Hampshire’s Maple Weekend, I am actually thinking more about planting and springtime and sunshine and flowers than I am about maple. The maple season is about three quarters of the way through and it will just be a matter of days[Read More…]
Fake news of snow
By BECKY NELSON Bramblings I just shoveled out our walkway at home and then scooped a few snowdrifts of snow away from the critter barn and the front of our store. I don’t know about you but I sure am sick of snow. I pray for snow every winter to[Read More…]
Starting seedlings indoors: How, when, where?
By HENRY HOMEYER The Gardening Guy Is it time to start seedlings yet? Yes, for a few things — artichokes, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, onions and leeks, kale and peppers. I start tomatoes in early to mid-April, along with eggplants, lettuce, melons and squashes of all sorts. Root crops are[Read More…]
‘Down the River Unto the Sea’ leaves you a little breathless
By TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER The Book Worm Something’s wrong. It may look just fine, but you know better. Call it intuition, call it plain-as-day, but there’s something off, something not-quite-right about a situation and it’s gotten under your skin. You can’t ignore it and you can’t let it be. As in[Read More…]
Maple Thoughts, Part 2
By BECKY NELSON Bramblngs This past week suer proved that winter isn’t over. Despite the seed catalogs, pool installation ads and shirtsleeve weather of a couple of weeks ago, winter is holding on pretty tight. The sugarhouse has been pretty busy for the last couple of weeks, which always makes[Read More…]
Why are we so fascinated by people who live primitively?
By TERRI SCHLICHENMEYER The Book Worm Sometimes, you need to stir the pot. Agitate things, take chances, try something different because change is good. The status quo can be boring and a new view gives you fresh perspective. Stir a little, as you’ll see in the new book “The Last[Read More…]
Dietary guidelines and recommendations from the federal government
Provided by Valley Regional Hospital Over the past century, deficiencies of essential nutrients have dramatically decreased, many infectious diseases have been conquered, and the majority of the U.S. population can now anticipate a long and productive life. At the same time, rates of chronic diseases—many of which are related to[Read More…]
Healthy eating tips
By KATY SAVAGE Special to the Eagle Times As spring approaches, New London Hospital and Newport Health Center are helping people get healthy. “The Healthy Weight & Wellness Series,” for those who struggle losing and controlling weight, is a free six-week course that’s become so popular it’s hard to get into.[Read More…]