Money & Finance

Understanding Your Credit Score

(StatePoint) Your credit score plays a significant role in your ability to reach your financial goals. When you apply for a loan, a cellphone, a rental unit or any number of other activities, lenders and potential creditors will look at your credit score to gauge your financial stability and your[Read More…]

6 Scams Every Older American Should Know About

(StatePoint) Amid technology advances enabling scammers to commit fraud, elders and their loved ones need to stay informed. Typically, elder scams involve the transfer of money to a stranger or imposter for a promised benefit or good. In 2023, banks reported more than $27 billion in suspicious activity related to[Read More…]

How financially literate are your kids?

Brandpoint (BPT) (BPT) – It’s not surprising that many young people today are concerned and even uneasy about their financial futures. The era of a global pandemic, a shaky economy, inflation, high interest rates and the weight of student loan debt has been an uncertain and challenging financial period in[Read More…]

Financing the Care of Loved Ones With a Disability

(StatePoint) According to the U.S. Census Bureau, over one in four Americans are living with a disability and about one-half of these individuals are living with a severe disability. Whether present at birth or caused by a life-altering accident or illness, severe disabilities almost always create a significant financial burden[Read More…]