
We need the historical society

To the Editor:  I am writing in opposition to selling the Bakery Building and displacing the Charlestown Historical Society.  Our local historical societies are constantly doing work that no one sees. The historical society is the library of historical artifacts, documents, information on our veterans going back two-pluscenturies, historic houses,[Read More…]

Many Rockingham ballot issues deserve our support

By WAYNE BLANCHARD To my fellow Rockingham voters: It’s that time of year again. All year long we enjoy the freedom and independence as individual citizens, but on March 4 and 5 comes the unity part, where we must come together to debate the common good for our community. The[Read More…]

Universal EFAs are the best choice for New Hampshire

By ANDREW CLINE Josiah Bartlett Center for Public Policy and JASON BEDRICK Heritage Foundation Nearly 1 million American students participated in a school-choice program last year, according to data compiled by EdChoice. Across the country 72 choice programs operate in 32 states. And who has the most popular program in[Read More…]

Positive Profile of the Week: Norri Oberlander

By JAY LUCAS Sunshine Initiative We are delighted this week to highlight one of the most interesting and engaging people that we know — Norri Oberlander. Norri immediately came to mind when thinking about who would best exemplify our topic of someone stepping out of their comfort zone. We’ll get[Read More…]

Sunshine Report: Breaking out of your comfort zone!

By Jay Lucas Sunshine Initiative You’ll never know if you don’t try. But how many of us get stuck in a pattern? We get comfortable where we are. We find ourselves in a hypnotic rhythm — doing the same things, the same way, over and over again. Then a thought[Read More…]