Vermont News

DVFiber seeks executive director to lead high-speed broadband expansion 

WILMINGTON, Vt. — DVFiber, Southern Vermont’s community-owned fiber optic internet provider, is seeking a visionary and experienced executive director to lead the development and operation of its high-speed broadband network.  Established as one of Vermont’s 10 Communications Union Districts (CUDs), DVFiber is a municipal organization comprising 24 member towns, primarily[Read More…]

Age Strong Vermont reports progress made in first year  

WATERBURY, Vt. — The Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living and the Department of Health have released a report on progress made by Age Strong Vermont, the state’s dedicated effort to provide all people who live in Vermont the opportunity to thrive as they age.    Age Strong Vermont[Read More…]

Girls on the Run Vermont seeks volunteer coaches to help lead spring program, hires new development manager  

Girls on the Run is a physical activity-based, positive youth development program that inspires students in third through eighth grade to be joyful, healthy and confident. The 10-week program incorporates movement into its curriculum to empower participants to develop critical life skills, build confidence, cultivate positive connections with peers, manage[Read More…]

Community Conversation with local legislators 

BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. — On Saturday, Feb. 15 at 10:30 a.m., come to the second-floor meeting room of the Rockingham Free Public Library in Bellows Falls to meet with your Windham-3 (Brookline, Rockingham and Westminster) House Representatives Michelle Bos-Lun and Leslie Goldman, along with Senators Wendy Harrison and Nader Hashim.[Read More…]

HCRS welcomes new staff

SPRINGFIELD, Vt. — Health Care and Rehabilitation Services (HCRS), southeastern Vermont’s community mental-health agency, is pleased to announce the appointment of 11 new professionals during the month of December, whose talents will augment HCRS’ services across Windham and Windsor counties.    HCRS welcomes the following new employees:   Ashlee Kelley –[Read More…]

The Vermont Futures Project launches its Economic Action Plan 

MONTPELIER, Vt. — The Vermont Futures Project recently announced the launch of its much-anticipated Economic Action Plan, a comprehensive, data-informed roadmap designed to address Vermont’s workforce and housing challenges and secure a prosperous future for the state. It was shaped by public engagement with over 5,000 Vermonters across all 14[Read More…]